nmhus1Nils Malmgren AB’s business is to provide the market with epoxy products, suited for the customers needs and demands.

In 1960, our first epoxy products was produced under the name of Albert Malmgren & Co AB.

1967 started Nils Malmgren AB.

Our largest supply of that year was a self levelling flooring in 3 mm thickness to 6000 m². This coating, which was the forerunner of NM Floor 100 UP, fills still after all these years its function. That says something about our quality.

Quality awareness

The company quality certified in 1990 under ISO 9000.

Our certificate was # 12.

Today, we are certified according to standard ISO 9001:2008.

lagerThe product range is divided into three groups
  • Construction/Civil engineering – We supply floor and wall coatings, MAE barriers, grouting, adhesives, bridge isolation, tank coatings and repair materials.
  • Marine – We supply laminating systems, fiberglass, adhesives, fillers and osmosis barrier.
  • Industrial – We supply laminating systems, adhesives, grouts, fiberglass and mold materials.

In our laboratory, where product development and production control is carried out, we have what is needed for measuring, testing and analysis.


The production facility is modern and has great capacity. This, together with our large stocks of finished products, ensure prompt delivery.